I can spend hours browsing Etsy for beautiful stuff I don't have money to buy, but it's always fun to dream about all those unnecessary things I basically don't need.
I've made my first treasury list, it was fun! As you can see I have a weakness for earrings... Click here to go to the treasury list, if you want to take a closer look at the items.
And some music for your Sunday: Elou Elan - Sunday Times
Phew, finally weekend!
I've been busy with my studies lately. Last week was workshop week, which we finished this Tuesday with an exam, so last weekend was quite stressful (and frustrating at times), but I managed to get out of it with a decent grade, so that's great.
My series with postcards from Italy was supposed to be finished a long time ago, but since I've been busy with other things than the blog, I still have 3 posts left. Here's the one from San Marino. So in this case it's "Postcards from San Marino". Enjoy and have a nice weekend!
The photo above reminds me so much of China. The landscape is a little bit similar to the view from the Great Wall, I think.