It's been a while since I read this book, but I think it was good enough to write something about it anyway. The amount of books I read these days makes it a bit hard to keep up with summaries and recommendations...

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield is a really good book. It's a story about stories in a way. Margaret Lea works at her father's antiquarian bookshop and one day the famous (but mysterious) writer Vida Winter contacts Ms. Lea because she wants her to write her biography. Vida Winter's life has been everything but normal and even when you think you've figured out what is going to happen, new facts and details that changes Vida Winter's story completely are revealed again and again. Sometimes a bit confusing, but in the end all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
I would have enjoyed this exciting story even more if it wasn't for the terrible smell of vomit that came from the book (one of the reasons why I'm not so fond of libraries). But hopefully it's the only copy of that book smelling like that. If you ever get a bad-smelling book in your hands, just keep it open all the time, it helps a little.
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