
March 31, 2012

March Challenge part 3


This challenge update is pretty boring, I wasn't motivated those days and I didn't document it with photos (instead you get one of my flickr favorites above), but here goes...

Day 20. I was a bit under the weather that day, so I didn't feel like doing anything at all. (Luckily, that is something different in itself, as it's very very rare I feel that way)

Day 21. Didn't plan this one. When I looked at my bike in the morning, it was punctured. Ah, great. So I walked to uni and the bicycle shop, it took three times longer than my usual bike ride.

Day 22. In general, I'm not good at asking for help if there is a chance that I can figure it out myself. At uni we had a course about 3d programmes and how to use them. There was two helpers to support the lecturer, so he could concentrate on teaching and the helpers could help the students with computer problems. This day I pulled myself together and asked for help and it wasn't dangerous at all. I should get better at asking the "experts", it's so muc easier and I learned a lot.

Day 23. I don't think I did anything different...

Day 24. I didn't read any blogs at all (because my computer was busy rendering 3d models)

Day 25. The train didn't stop at the station where I was supposed to get off, so the train company gave me a free taxi ride back to the station where my bike was. I don't think I've been in a taxi since I spent a few weeks in China two years ago.

The last March Challenge update will be up in a few days (or maybe tomorrow). How is you challenge going?

March 29, 2012

Movies I've seen recently #4

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
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Fine, nothing spectacular. Just as expected, a chick-flick for a lazy day when you don't want to think too much about the movie you're watching.

Before Sunrise (1995)
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A good love story, except the fact that I kept thinking "this is so unrealistic, this would never ever happen in real life". It doesn't make it a bad movie, it's just a little annoying to think that, but I guess that was my own fault. Sometimes their conversation was too... artificial?. Anyway, now I want to go to Vienna. And I want to see the sequel Before Sunset.

Away We Go (2009)
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Cute and fun feel good film. The couple in the movie is travelling around, to find out where home is going to be. Great soundtrack as well (by Alexi Murdoch). It reminded me a lot of the soundtrack from Into the Wild (read my thoughts about it here)

Broken English (2007)
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Good, but the female character was a little bit annoying, whereas the male character was very very charming, but too good to be true. Unrealistic, but fine chick-flick (I really don't know why it bothers me so much that the movies are unrealistic. It has never been a problem for me before).

[photo sources: allmoviephoto + hotflick]

March 27, 2012

San Francisco by night

I know these photos are pretty much identical, but I just couldn't choose between them! Which ones do you like best?

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March 22, 2012

Postcards from Italy X - Venice and Murano

Finally, the series of Postcards from Italy has come to an end. As I wrote earlier I'm going back to Italy in April (yay!), so a new photo series from Italy will probably come sometime this spring/summer (or maybe I should say "this year" instead to be sure to make it in time, haha).

March 19, 2012

March Challenge part 2

Day 13. Had movie night with my group mates. They're all crazy about Disney movies, so we saw the animated version of Alice in Wonderland. I'm not much into cartoon films, so I would prefer to see the one with real actors, but the cartoon was ok. At least the company was good.

Day 14. Tried a new recipe again. Five-a-day tagine. Not good. It had a very bad taste, so I ended up throwing the rest of it in the garbage bin (and usually I never throw out food, but I just couldn't eat this).

Day 15. I went to the library and brought four movies home with me. Not very often I do that. And look, the honey was smiling at me (or does it look scared?).

Day 16. I made cocoa/cinnamon almonds and raisins.

Day 17. Went for a bike ride in my neighbourhood without any goal. Normally I never ride my bike unless I have to get from A to B. But this was nice and I really needed some fresh air. When I got home I felt so good.

Day 18. Put metal cans in a special container for recycling instead of just throwing them out with the other garbage. Should probably let this become a habit.

Day 19. Showered in the morning instead of in the evening. And got up early even though today's lecture is late in the afternoon. The day is still young, so maybe I'll do even more things different, you never know.

Have a nice day, I know I will!

March 15, 2012

San Francisco Verticals

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A sightseeing bus tour is not a bad idea, if you don't have time to see the city on foot. The only problem is that it is difficult to take photos without getting the other passengers necks on the photos. But in this case, I actually like the neck photos quite a lot.

March 13, 2012

San Francisco

Unfortunately, we only had one single day to spend in San Francisco, so we went on a bus tour to see as much San Francisco as possible.
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This is how much I got to see of Golden Gate Bridge. Next time I visit San Francisco I hope to get more sunny weather.
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Lots and lots of pretty Victorian houses. I'm glad I don't live in a house thousands of tourists take photos of. No wonder the curtains are drawn.

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Pretty lamps in China Town.

Inside MOMA. We only visited the shop as we thought it was too late and we didn't have time to take a closer look at the museum. Another thing to put on my to-do-list for my next SF visit.

March 12, 2012

Update: March Challenge

This challenge was quite easy the first days. I think, I did more than one thing differently every day, but now it's getting harder. Please tell me, if you have any ideas! 
  • Day 3. I went to the theatre, I think it's at least a year since I went there. It was not the best play I've seen, but the actors always impress me. Later I tasted beetroot sorbet and it was very tasty (much tastier than it might sound), and the colour was beautiful, it was a very picturesque dessert.
  • Day 4. Didn't do much different, spent most of the day drawing some drawings I had to hand a few days later. But I got up before 9, not a big deal, but it's still a little bit different from the usual Sunday mornings. And I wore yellow earrings, a hardly never use them.
  • Day 5. I polished my nails. Not in a fancy colour though (I think the ones I have are way too old, almost 10 years, haha)
  • Day 6. Tried a new recipe, it was easy to make and very tasty. Success!
  • Day 7. Stayed at home studying the whole day and to resist watching Friends on TV.
  • Day 8. Grocery shopping in a different shop. I couldn't find anything, haha!
  • Day 9. Big baking day! Baked oregano bread to accompany my tomato soup and made a bun dough ready for Saturday morning. 
  • Day 10. I was a little bored, so I played Bubble Struggle 3. Haven't played games like that for a long, long time. Right now, it seems to be a bad idea to start playing it - now I have to complete all levels!
  • Day 11. Stayed at my parents and went for a walk in the woods. The only thing different was that we walked a new route.
  • Day 12 - today. Got up at 7 AM and did the laundry. Never done that on a normal weekday. 
I just realized that I should be better at documenting this challenge with photos... Hmm, let's see if I can get better at that.

    March 10, 2012

    Winchester Mystery House

    On the last day before I had to say goodbye to California, we visited Winchester Mystery House. It's a crazy house with doors to nowhere (see the last photo above), windows that opens up right into a wall and stairs cut off by the ceiling - just to name a few of the features.
    You can read the story behind on the photo below (and if it's too small for you to read, you can read about it here).

    March 8, 2012

    The Emperor's Castle

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    If you're into origami just like me, you'll probably like this, am I right? I think it's pretty awesome! But then again, architectural models fascinates me a lot in general, so it's not surprising that I really like it. So many tiny details, I love it!
    The project is called The Emperor's Castle and it's made by British architect Thomas Hillier. On his website it's described like this "a fantastical theatre of surreal spatial thresholds sited in Tokyo that used narrative as a vehicle to examine current day cultural and social issues within Japan". You can read more about it on his website, if you want.

    I used the same pattern for some of my origami, as you might have seen in this post. It's pretty cool to see origami from an architectural perspective "in action", as that is exactly what we had to do.

    [Source: Thomas Hillier]